Posts filed under: Lyrics

Jonathan Richman & The Modern Lovers “Roadrunner” (1976)’s 4 beats to a measure, and the count goes to 4. Except for one: ‘Roadrunner’ by Jonathan Richman and The Modern Lovers, which starts with a count-off…to 6. As best as I know, it’s the only song ever to do this, though surely this can’t be verified... Read More

Tyler Childers “Ever Lovin’ Hand” (2019)

“Seinfeld” had a whole episode (“The Contest”) about a certain solitary pursuit, so, I guess, why not a pop song. The Divinyls’ sultry 1990 hit ‘I Touch Myself’ certainly addressed the subject most directly, but many more only slightly less obvious allusions have existed than one might expect: ‘Dancing With Myself’... Read More

Rolling Stones “Rip This Joint” (1972)

The other day when I heard the Rolling Stones breakneck barnburner ‘Rip This Joint’ on the radio, I thought to myself, “That has absolutely got to be the most righteous, balls-out rocker ever recorded” (or some similarly critical reflection). Following the snarling first track on the Stones messy masterpiece, “Exile on Main St.”... Read More

Southside Johnny & The Asbury Jukes “It’s Been A Long Time” (1991)

..the song that captured the evening’s magic vibe of reminiscence for us was ‘It’s Been A Long Time,’ an unapologetically sentimental and autobiographical soul ballad written by Van Zandt, reflecting back on youthful days around Asbury Park for three old friends: himself, Southside Johnny, and their third buddy, Bruce Springsteen.... Read More

Marcus King Band “Where I’m Headed”

Occasionally I come upon a new artist whose musical capacity – let’s say, whose musical beauty – is almost literally staggering, so as to challenge finding a proper description or appreciation. I felt this way a few years ago when I first discovered a heretofore unknown 20-year-old named Marcus King.... Read More

American Aquarium “The World Is On Fire” (2018)

While a fan-favorite standard-bearer of the Americana and Outlaw Country scene, American Aquarium isn’t the kind of band you’re likely to see on a Grammy stage or to receive much mainstream notoriety. Nevertheless, I suggest this as being a song for our times, our difficult and confusing times... Read More

Bruce Springsteen “Rosalita (Come Out Tonight)” (1973)

The task was simple and the theme was equally self-evident: create a party playlist of precisely four hours, made up of songs culled from the vastly music-rich era of the seventies. I questioned nearly every choice along the way. Well, every choice except for one: the pick for final song..... Read More

The Lovin’ Spoonful “Summer In The City” (1966)

There are just too many great summer songs to mention, but The Lovin' Spoonful made one of the best, "Summer In The City," and omitting one letter from a lyric may have made it the greatest ever.... Read More

Chris Shiflett “Sticks & Stones” (2017)

Chris Shiflett has, for around 20 years, been the guitarist in two different bands, with two vastly different levels of notoriety: Me First and the Gimme Gimmes, the greatest punk rock cover band ever (seriously, they are), and another one you’re more likely to have heard of, the Foo Fighters. Most recently, he’s set off... Read More

Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers “The Last DJ” (2002)

Something incredible happens when you tune in Sirius Radio channel 31. Supernatural, even. Tom Petty is still alive. Still there nonchalantly talking about music – his own, and that of multitudes of other artists. Still rambling from topic to topic in an excited but unhurried drawl. Still irreverent, a bit... Read More
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